If you are exploring the lolita culture, you might have realised that choosing a Lolita dress is more than just picking a cute dress. Often, beginners become swayed with inspirational photos of beautiful dresses and decide to invest in them. However, with time you realise that the Lolita dresses you have don’t suit your taste and preference. To avoid this, you should research and discover the best Lolita dress for you. Below is a quick list to guide you.
- Mimic your current wardrobe
When you are just starting, you might feel at odds dressing in an entirely different manner. To limit the discomfort of changing your style, aim to borrow heavily from your current wardrobe. Mimicking your wardrobe also dictates the kind of Lolita dress you should purchase. Depending on your likes you can choose simple cut clean dresses or fancy dresses. Staying close to your previous wardrobe allows you easier transition as you have an easier time to mix and to match the clothes according to your taste.
- Buy quality pieces
When you are unsure of what to purchase, you might be tempted to go cheap. Going cheap makes sense as most Lolita dresses are expensive. However, when you do settle on the kind of style that you want to invest in, avoid sacrificing quality for the sake of saving a dime. Choose high-quality main pieces that will serve you for years.

- Experiment
As a beginner, you might have started out following various guides on Lolita culture to a tee. However, this doesn’t always work, and you might see the need to infuse your uniqueness to the dresses. Not only will you feel better-rocking something that stays true to your inner self, but experimenting will eliminate cases where your whole Lolita clan looks like a bunch of school kids in uniform.
- Research style

Research what kind of style you want to showcase when buying a Lolita dress. Though there are numerous styles in the market, at the end there four core styles
- Classic Lolita- offers a few embellishments on simple dresses with prints and very few adornments
- Gothic Lolita- just like modern Goth, it is dominated with the colour black and includes boots in its styling
- Sweet Lolita- aims to offer a baby doll look going overboard with the use of frills, lace and the colour pink
- Punk Lolita- it is influenced by rock elements and uses a lot of bold colours and edginess.
- Save inspiration
As a beginner, you might be interested in the Lolita culture cause of a cute dress you saw somewhere. However, just because you like one dress, doesn’t mean you can go and purchase the same clothing over again in different colours. Well, ideally you can, but it gets boring fast. To build your wardrobe, look for inspirational online and choose a style that suits your taste. Mix and match and add various coordinating outfits to your inspirational folder. The inspirations allow you to know what you will purchase next letting you build a truly impressive wardrobe.
When deciding to embrace the Lolita culture, choosing a Lolita dress that satisfies your taste is the first step. Research the various stores and aim to purchase high-quality pieces. Even as you change your wardrobe, allow inspiration from your everyday life and enjoy your new Lolita lifestyle to the full.